Terrarium How-To

Terrariums came of age with the Victorians and are enjoying a newfound resurgence, fueled in part by their affordability and the continued interest in all things gardening. A terrarium is a collection of small plants growing in a clear, sealed container. It can serve as a unique decorative object or an educational piece, as it can illustrate how an ecosystem works. Within the terrarium, many different natural processes can be observed including photosynthesis, respiration and the water cycle. Since it is sealed, the water is constantly recycled, passing form liquid form to gas and back again.


• A transparent container: Can be dome shaped, teardrop shaped, cylindrical, rectangular, etc.. just make sure it is made of glass so that sunlight can seep through.

• Small stones or gravel

• Decorative stones (optional)

• Peat moss (optional)

• Plants – I recommend succulents, as they are easiest to take care of and are small enough to fit   inside a small terrarium. Pincusion cactus, Jade plant, moon cactus, aloe, hens-and-chicks, etc.

• Desert sand

• Potting soil

• Gloves








  1. Clean your chosen container with water and dry with a towel.


  2. Place 1-2” of gravel/rocks at the bottom – this can include rive rocks or decorative rocks.


  3. Place a layer of potting soil mixed with desert sand on top of the rocks. You can mix some peat moss in if you like.


  4. Place a layer of desert sand on top of the soil, compact & spread out evenly.


  5. After deciding what plants go where, dig a small hole with a small spade into the layers, placing the plant inside. Make sure that you compact the sand around the plant, completely covering the roots and lower parts of the plant. You can do this with existing layers or with extra rocks or moss. Be cautious when planting various cactus plants – they have sharp needles! You may want to use some thick gloves or other gardening tool to place them inside.


  6. Disperse peat moss (optional) around the plants, filling in the holes.


  7. Water the plants to where there is an inch of water at the bottom in the gravel.



Place your terrarium in an area with bright but indirect sunlight. Succulents need as much as 6 hours of sunlight a day. Lightly water the plants every 2 weeks. If you would like for your plants to grow, you can use fertilizer or plant food.


Why Rebrand?

Take an established company that has been around the block a few times, say 20+ years. They have a recognizable brand but a brand that they've had ever since the business was founded. Should they rebrand?

My answer is yes (though I am biased). Although you may not realize it, many people judge businesses and their products on their look and overall brand. An outdated image is likely to make people think your products and services are outdated too. Simple changes to your image could make a significant improvement to your profitability.

From 1920 to 1960 the vacuum cleaner was the most popular electric appliance in the home, and they are still the number 1 in worldwide sales for major appliances. When James Dyson came along, people had been happy for over 50 years with the same old little cylinder with a bag. Brands such as Hoover, Electrolux and Kenmore were all the same and worked the same but had different price points. Everyone thought, "Why fix something that isn't broken?" Well James Dyson did not settle for ordinary and designed over 2,000 prototypes before he developed the amazingly different Dyson Ball Vacuum. His hard word and innovation really changed the game in that he found something that everyone was happy doing, something that everyone accepted but he pushed the envelope and came up with something new… and it paid off! Now the Dyson brand is known for its innovation and reliable reputation, with over $10 billion in sales worldwide. If not for his fresh ideas and push to become different, Dyson would just be like any old vacuum cleaner and would not be set apart from the competition. Now, Dyson accomplished this technologically but it can be done other ways.

Rebranding a business can provide a fresh look that customers will associate the company with. Customers will then come to you because they know you are different. They will know you are a strong family owned business with a 20+ year history, which is hard to find. Your determination to become better and reinvent yourselves will be seen by all your customers who will come to you for your service, quality and reliability. However, here are some important aspects to consider before taking on the timeley challenge of rebranding:

1. Work out what you want to achieve exactly from an image makeover, such as attracting specific customers, seeing off a competitor or being able to increase your prices.

2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your existing image. Look at your existing materials and collateral. Talk to your employees and current customers to find out what they think about your firm's image (This can also be done through a survey or other resource).

3. Consider your business name. Does it give the right impression? If it sounds dated or no longer reflects everything your business offers, weigh up the pros and cons of renaming your business. Maybe adding a new tagline can spice things up.

4. Think about how your printed materials look. Is the design professional and contemporary? Could the writing be better? Everything you give to customers — from flyers to business cards — reflects on your business.

5. Look at your logo and the colors used. How does it look on your collateral? What target market does it attract? Is it appealing to the eye? Maybe changing your logo could add some vigour.

6. Consider your website. As more people use the internet, having an effective website is vital. If you already have a website, maybe it's time to have its appearance and content updated. 

So it's the new year, whether young or old, consider rebranding your company image. Rebranding helps to modernize established brands, engage new audiences via repositioning, or generate top of mind awareness. And when done right, results can be extraordinary.