You Can Only Dream What You've Seen


Dream Outside the Box's mission is to propel youth in dream deserts onto higher education trajectory by mobilizing college students and community partners to engage children in imaginative career and extracurriculars.

The Campus Charter Guide is an essential piece that explains the plans & processes of the organization and outlines key duties to each officer within the charters on campus. It also includes a design guideline section that outlines key design standards for the organization including logotypes, social media keywords, etc.

The flyer was created to pass out around college campuses and prospective donors in order to explain what the organization does and how they impact children's lives.

Identity materials such as business cards and t-shirts were also created for further promotional purposes. A playful infographic helps explain the ground-breaking process that the organization represents, and a calligraphic style encompasses the organization's identity for a t-shirt to be sold for an extended period of time.