mothers' milk bank of north texas
Operating much like a blood bank, the Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas collects breastmilk from healthy nursing mothers with extra milk to share. These donor moms are screened and their milk is tested and heat treated. Donor human milk is dispensed to premature and fragile infants without access to their mom’s own milk. The use of human milk has been proven to give these fragile babies a better chance of survival while decreasing complications. For some babies, donor human milk can truly be life-saving. In September of 2004, MMBNT dispensed the first batch of milk. Since then, more than 1.5 million ounces of milk that was donated by more than 4,000 mothers has been fed to premature and critically ill babies in over 80 hospitals.
A billboard campaign was launched to increase awareness among nursing mothers about donating extra breast milk instead of throwing it away! Over 10 billboards were on display throughout Fort Worth, TX.
Then, an invitation set was created for the Milk Bank's 12th Annual Luncheon, A Dozen Reasons For A Dozen Years. The Luncheon benefits the Milk Money Fund.